Saturday, September 8, 2007

Linux Workshop Successfull

-Christopher Uzhuthuval

DUCS(DBIT Undergrad Computer Society) conducted a Linux Introductory Workshop on 27, 28 & 29 of August. The Workshop was taken by Christopher and Joseph. The aim of the Workshop was to give a brief introduction to Linux.

Day One -- Introduction to OpenSource & Installation of Ubuntu.
Day Two -- Architecture, Package Manager of Linux.
Day Three -- Basic Shell Scripting.

The Linux Workshop given was a hit. People liked it, since our workshop was different from the usual stuff. We emphasized more on the practical aspect of it. For Ubuntu Installation we had used vmware-server, which was appreciated by one and all.

The most unique thing about our Linux Workshop was that we were the First among students & staff to use the Smart Board for Presentation. The Smart Board made the workshop more lively. The Feedback given for the 3-day workshop was inspiring too.


rohan_nog said...

Great going guys!

rohan_nog said...

Perhaps you could put the slides up on the DUCS website. It'd be the first new content in ages. BTW, the link in the post is wrong.

ksp said...


For the smart board and the workshop!!

Finally somebody seems to be doing things!


- sree

Royston said...

nice work ..... would like to c more updates frm d MM lab on dis blog ..... missin that place man!!!